Quantic supports dual pricing and cash discount with payment-agnostic processing options

Published On: April 19th, 2024

Quantic supports payment programs to stand out among the competition and provide options for partners. Let’s explore those programs and how they are making an impact on merchants.

Cash Discount:
Encouraging a Positive Perception for Customers

With Quantic POS, an automatic discount is applied when customers pay with cash. This allows the merchant an opportunity to increase their menu prices to match their prices, plus credit card fees.

For example,

let’s say we’re selling a product for $100. With Cash Discount, we could increase the price to $103 and offer a 3% discount for cash payments. That way, the merchant receives the revenue to cover credit card fees, and customers who prefer cash, save. To take this to the next level, Quantic offers a bulk price editor function within the catalog management to simplify the process if a merchant wants to take advantage of this program.

Dual Pricing:
Transparency is Key

With Dual pricing, the catalog has cash and card prices. This lets customers see exactly what they’ll pay depending on their chosen payment method. Quantic supports this transparency by displaying these cash and card prices throughout our product suite. The POS, receipt, CDS, and digital signage will display both prices of each item.

Dual pricing allows you to set the catalog’s cash price, and the system will do the rest. Based on the percentage selected, Quantic will automatically generate a card price for each item in the cart. This increase in pricing for card transactions allows for covering the costs of credit card fees.

In Conclusion

This proactive approach manages credit card fees by utilizing cash discounts or dual pricing. Would you like to know more?

Contact Quantic today and discover how payment programs revolutionize the industry and save businesses money.

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