Item level Operations

How to apply Item Level Void?

To apply item level Void, tap  on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Then tap on the item which needs to be voided and tap on  button on the right-hand side of the screen

A new pop-up window will appear asking you to enter the reason for Void. State the reason or tap on the predefined reasons if applicable and click Apply on the top-right of the pop-up window as shown in the screenshot.

Similarly, you can add more items to the void list. To proceed to pay, click Cash or Card and make a payment.

How to apply Item Level Comp?

To apply item-level Comp, tap on the bottom-right of the screen.To apply item level Void, tap on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Then tap on the item which needs to be voided and tap on button on the right-hand side of the screen.A new pop-up window will appear asking you to enter the reason for Comp. State the reason or tap on the predefined reasons if applicable and click on Apply on the top right side of the pop-up window.To proceed to pay or add any more items to the order tap on on the bottom right of the screen.

How to apply Item Level Discount?

To apply item level discount, click the  button at the bottom right of the screen.
Tap on the item which needs to be discounted and then click  button on the right side of the screen.
A new pop-up window will appear asking you to enter the discount.
Enter the discount % or discount $ and enter the reason for a discount or select the discount reason from the predefined reasons.
Once done, click Apply on the upper right of the pop-up window as shown in the screenshot.
To proceed to pay or add any more items to the order, click  on the bottom right of the screen. Then choose the apt payment method.