How to create a Category in Portal?
Categories and subcategories should reflect how your actual menu is organized or should be displayed or divided for easy navigation. Categories will inherit all settings for the Super Category and Subcategories will automatically inherit the Category settings; unless otherwise specified.
- To create a new Category, click the Categories tab on top of the Menu Management screen.
- Enter the name that you want to assign to the Category, select the Super Category, select the Tax Class and click the ➕ Add & Setup icon.
- Click ➕ Add, if you wish to setup the Category later.
- In this example we have created the Soup Salad category.
- Fill in all required fields as indicated in the screenshot. Add the image of the category in the image box. Enter the category name in the Category Name field.
- Tap the checkboxes next to Copy to Kitchen name, Copy to Receipt name and Copy to Web name (if you want to keep the same name of categories at these places).
- Select the Super Category, Tax Class, and Other Tax Class from the dropdown.
- Set the Background color and the Font color for the sub-category name in the POS.
- Click the Assignment tab.
- Now select the Printer, KDS, and Course that you want to associate this category with.
- Click the Online Ordering tab.
- To activate this category for online ordering, turn on the switch next to Enable Web and enter the name in Web Name field with which you want this category to be recognized in online ordering.
- To mark this as a featured category, ✔️ the checkbox next to Mark as Highlighted/Featured.
- You may also describe this category in the Web Description field. This description will show up on the location’s online platforms next to the category.
Note: On enabling web at category level, all the associated sub-categories and items will inherit the same setting only if the Inherit Online is enabled for that sub-category or item. The sub-category will inherit the sub-category name as a web name. The item will inherit item price as web price, item name as web name, and item description as web description.
- Now go to the Additional Settings tab.
- Enter the name of the category you want to display in the Kitchen printer and Receipt.
- Select the Terminal to be associated with this category.
- Fill in the other details and click Save at the bottom right corner.