Issuing a Refund
Issuing a refund to your guest is pretty simple in the Quantic POS. You have two options to issue refunds – Partial refund and Full refund. Both the options will require you to navigate to the orders screen and get the job done from there.
Issuing a Full Refund
- Open the Quantic POS.
- Click the Left Navigation button and click Orders.
- It will open a new screen with all orders lined up (Open and Closed).
- Now click the Closed Orders as shown in the screenshot.
- Click the Order Number that you want to refund.
- In this example, a customer with order #106 wanted a refund. So we tap on the order 106 as shown in the screenshot.
- The check will open and the items ordered will appear.
- Click the Refund button as shown in the screenshot.
- The Refund screen will open.
- You will be prompted to choose Partial Refund or Full Refund. Since the customer needed a full refund, we tapped the Full Refund button.
- Click the Close This Order button. It will close order #106 and the complete amount will be refunded.
Note: In case a customer wants a refund just to pay through another mode
of payment, click Keep Order Open. This will keep the order open and the
customer can pay through the desired payment mode.
- On the Confirmation screen, click Ok.
- This screen will appear with REFUND written at the end of the check. It shows the amount has been refunded to the customer.
Issuing a Partial Refund
In some cases, a customer might ask for a partial refund instead of the full refund. The steps are somewhat similar to that of refunding an entire amount. Here is how you can perform this action.
- Go to the left navigation and click Orders.
- Click Closed Orders at the bottom of the screen.
- Now select the order # that you want to refund.
- In this example, the customer with order #103 wants a refund. So, we tapped on order #103.
- On the next screen, click the Refund button.
- Now you will be prompted to select Partial Refund or Full Refund. Since the customer wanted a partial refund, we have chosen the Partial Refund option.
- You will be prompted to enter the refund amount. Here we have put $10. You can enter whatever amount in the Enter Amount field box.
- Click Ok after filling in the amount.
- Click the Close This Order button. It will close order #103 and the partial amount will be refunded.
Note: In case a customer wants a refund just to pay the partial amount
through another mode of payment, click Keep Order Open. This will keep
the order open and the customer can pay through the desired payment
- On the Confirmation screen, click Ok.
- Once the partial amount is refunded, the same will appear at the bottom of the check.
- Refund By Cash: $10.00. This is the amount we have issued to the customer.